Friday, May 29, 2009

Home is Where You Hang Your Chacos

After a full six months of internet silence, I've decided to fire up the blog once more. Here's the condensed version: after another season teaching snowboarding at Whitefish Mountain Resort, at Big Mountain, in Whitefish, Montana, I spent two weeks in Oregon with my boyfriend Nathan and our friends Jason and Abby: snowboarding, touring Portland, and enjoying the coast. (You can check out those photos here if you so desire).

Safely back in Montana, I'm now shacked up in West Glacier to try my hand at raft guiding. Nathan has been kind enough to lend me his 12' 1958 Siesta camper for the summer. It's got a propane stove, electric lights, and the most awesome moose-print cushions you've ever seen. Montana Raft, my current employers, have a camp ground available to employees and there are all sorts of set-ups out here: traditional campers, old buses, 20-person tents, not to mention ingenious tarp shelters and a steadily growing herd of dogs.

Here's my new home, complete with camo tarp
We'll see how the house plants fare. I may let them out to roam when it gets warmer.
The kitchen is cozy but functional, and I'm so excited to have a gas stove
My sister made that beautiful blanket on the bed for a college art class
Now that I've renewed my Wilderness First Responder and been on the river a couple times, the next hurdle will be Swift Water Rescue. The weather is calling for temperatures in the 80s, which is a good thing since there's gong to be a lot of time spent in 35 degree water. Yeeha!