Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Getting Caught Up

By popular and insistent demand (ahem, Mother), I'm updating the blog and including links to photos for you all to enjoy.  The last week of February Carl and I took leave of our senses and our dogs, and went to Alaska. That's right, in the winter.  It turned out to be a really, really good idea.  Neither of us are much for crowds and we successfully avoided any and all large gatherings.  We went down to my old stomping grounds in Seward, where we wandered the empty streets and enjoyed exploring the Sea Life Center as the only paying guests.  Next we headed up to Denali to see my little sister and have some outdoors adventures, Denali style.  Did you know you can ski in -20 degrees and not die?  It was very educational.  For more details and all the pictures, check out the link below:
A Vacation of Epic Proportions 

As much as we didn't want to come back, there were a couple of very excited puppy dogs waiting for us.  Luna is 6 months old and weighs in at 36.3 pounds.  Last week I had to drop her off at the vet's to get fixed and while I may be scarred for life, she's as bouncy and lively as ever.  The tough part has been keeping her quiet and calm so her sutures can heal.  In an effort to battle this and our wanderlust, we did an auto tour of the Klamath Basin Wildlife Refuge, a whole network of wetlands and canals south of Klamath Falls that serves as home to millions of birds and a migratory stopping point for millions more.  The sheer number of birds was absolutely staggering, as was the variety: American Coots, Tundra Swans, Cinnamon Teals, Snow geese, Northern Shovelers, Golden Eagles, and Rough-legged hawks.  I tried to capture some of it on camera and you can see my attempts by following this link:
Nerding on Birding

That's about it right now.  We woke up to an inch of wet, heavy snow this morning - March is always an exciting month.  The chickens are huddled grumpily in their coop, and we'll see how the seeds I planted last week react to this newest development.  One week until spring!