Monday, November 28, 2011

A Very Furry Thanksgiving

A very happy post-turkey day to everyone!  The Ashland Funny Farm celebrated the holiday with a road trip to the far reaches of Edmunds, WA, Luna's first since coming home.  It's a good thing we left the chickens at home because they wouldn't have fit in Carl's new Golf TDI.  Thank goodness for roof boxes, or we wouldn't have either.

Our first stop was my folks' house in Lake Oswego.  Luna was thrilled to see their beagles again; the beagles were far less excited to see her.  While there Carl was kind enough to humor my nerdiness and accompany me to the Body Worlds exhibit at OMSI.  I was like a little kid in a candy store - "Look, there's the sciatic nerve passing through the piriformis!"  "Check out the nuchal ligament!"  "See, that's the SI joint I keep talking about".  Carl had the grace to just smile and nod, and even ask the occasional question.  Our favorite body was the drawer man, who had sections that were peeled open and punched out so you could see how everything fit together.  The giraffe was a close second - did you know they have the same number of vertebrae in their necks as humans do?  Or that their heart is bigger than a basketball?  It's crazy the things you can see once the skin comes off.

On Thanksgiving day we loaded up the pair of Volkswagons with two dogs, six people, and numerous crates of food, and slogged up I-5 to Edmunds to meet the rest of the Hayes clan.  Carl's friend Eric, newly arrived to Corvallis, OR, somehow let himself get roped in to the whole affair as our guest of honor.  We decided that flannel shirts were our theme of the day, and showed up at my Aunt Ruth's doorstep festooned in plaid and bearing delectable things to eat.

There were 13 people and 5 dogs (which means almost as many canine legs as human ones), lots of eating, drinking, and making merry; all in all, a very successful holiday.  Even though I remembered my camera, somehow I only seem to have pictures of fuzzy family members (beards and mustaches excluded).  Funny how that happens.  We were all very impressed with Luna - at 14 weeks she is an incredibly calm and well-behaved puppy.  I'm giving her all the credit.  Bubba and Luna got to share a bed at the hotel, and were both wiped out after a big day.
 The next morning dawned cold and clear, with the Olympics out in all their glory.
 The Kingston ferry headed out.
 Puppy dogs playing in the sand.
 Friday we turned around and did the road trip all over again.  Good thing Bubba and Luna are such good travelers.
 Don't make me pull this car over, kids!
It was wonderful to see everyone, and eat good food with good people, but it's always nice to be home.  I hope everyone had a very merry Thanksgiving - into the holiday season we go!

Sunday, November 13, 2011


Autumn arrived suddenly about a month ago, shifting gears to crisp sunny days and ever colder nights.  Last week we had our first deep frost and that seemed to be the cue for all the brilliantly bedecked trees to give up the fight and drop their drawers.  I walked out the front door to find a carpet of leaves burying the driveway and front yard, not to mention Carl's car.  The dogs and I spent some quality time raking.
With the cooler weather has come snow in them thar hills, and we decided there's no time like the present to introduce Luna to that wonderful white stuff.  Seeing as her front paws are currently twice the size of her back ones, she's perfectly equipped.  Bubba showed her the way and she had no reservations about jumping right in.
 Bubba strikes a pose with Mt. Shasta in the background.
 Luna taking flight in pursuit of snow balls.  I think she's part panther.
 On the 3 months of age she weighs in at 14 lbs 2 oz.  They grow up so fast!
 Carl chucking snow balls for Bubba, who seems to be doing his best "Jaws" impression.
 Luna getting in on the fun.
 With this crew there was no way I'd emerge unscathed.  Giving Luna some lovin'.
 Back at home, my wonderful mother sent along a gift for Carl - his very own man-apron, or "mapron", as he prefers to call it.  One has to look good while grilling, after all.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Find the Puppy

They did this of their own volition, I swear.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Daily Dose of Doggie Doings

In the spirit of Halloween, I figured I would share this photo of the dogs wrestling on the couch.  Bubba is the sweetest dog you'll ever meet, but he puts his game face on to play with Luna.  At times he looks just like an angry grizzly bear.
 After a long hike in the mountains, both pups were tuckered out.  The little one loves snuggling up to her big brother, and once she's done chewing on his face he doesn't mind a bit.