Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Spring, Winter, Spring, Spring, SUMMER!

After a few late winter storms (I love waking up to snow in April) and a couple weeks of dampish spring weather, all of the sudden Mother Nature surprised us with a short stretch of summer.  She didn't just dunk a toe, either; it was a full-on cannon ball into clear blue skies and temperatures in the 80s.  Here, Bubba illustrates just how hot it was:
 Going back in time I should probably mention the amazing birthday present my boyfriend Carl gave me: a plane ticket to Vancouver, BC, to meet some college friends for a girls ski trip.  Whistler and Blackcomb were everything we hoped they would be.  We got to see the views, fuel up on jelly beans, and shred 16" of beautiful fresh snow on the last day.  Mission accomplished!
 When I returned I got to celebrate my birthday with my sweetie, the furry kids, and a delicious pound cake sent all the way from West Virginia.  Thanks, Nancy Kautz!
 Yesterday we decided to take the dogs out for a swim since it's been so warm this week.  All the creeks around town are running fast and high, which is fine for Bubba the Tank but a little intimidating for Luna the Little.  The drive out to Squaw Lake took us through blooming orchards of pear trees, the scenic town of Jacksonville, and deep into the Applegate Valley.  Neither pup could wait to get their feet wet.
 Last time we were here Carl taught me the fine art of turtle hunting.  This year, due to higher water and a double team of loud, excited dogs, those crafty reptiles eluded us.  It didn't stop the wonder trio from trying.
The lone piece of wildlife we captured (and released).
 Luna on the lookout for something good.  She's a natural swimmer, must be half lab or something.
 Luna learning stick retrieval from the master.
 Throw it again, dad!
 While Bubba goes crazy for sticks, Luna's more in love with pinecones, especially the big chewy ones.
 Dad, throw it again!

 Trilliums, some of my favorite flowers ever.
 We stopped briefly at Applegate Lake on our way home because Bubba' incessant whining told us he wasn't done swimming yet.  We left quickly when two car loads of scantily clad high schoolers arrived.
Once we arrived back home Luna flopped down on the floor and only moved two more times: once to scarf down dinner and transfer to the couch, and again to wander from couch to bedroom for the night.  Finally, we've found something that tires her out!