Sunday, January 15, 2012

Headlong into 2012

On the 15th day of the new year we've finally got our first snow in town since November, and it's about time.  New Year's Day we attempted to continue our tradition of going on a snow shoe, but there was no snow to be had.  Instead we hiked up Hobart's Bluff for panoramic views of the valley.  Of course I forgot to bring my brand new camera so you'll just have to take my word for it.  But now I get to capture priceless images such as this:

We woke up this morning to a light flurry of flakes slowly coating the yard.  The chickens were huddled in their coop clucking in dismay, but Luna was out like a shot to explore the wintry landscape.  After Carl left for work I bundled the fuzzy kids into the car and drove up to the Forest Service roads behind town.  Sunday mornings are quiet, and snowy ones even more so.  We had the trail to ourselves for the most part, the scant quarter inch of snow gradually deepening.  It was just enough and of the right consistency for snowballs, which both dogs chase with equal enthusiasm.  At the end of the hike Luna refused to get back in the car; luckily it looks like winter isn't over just yet.
Luna looks good in a coat of snow

Rooting around for snowball remains

You've got a little something on your face there...

Brain freeze!

Saw a lot of this while hiking

Happy new year, y'all!