Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Montana Moments

The headwaters of Quake Lake
 Winter means a slower pace of life, with more time to do things like watch the sunrise slowly color the Gravelly Mountains or take the dogs on long, snowy excursions.  On Christmas Eve we got to do both.  With Bubba happily stationed on the couch, we drove south towards West Yellowstone and stopped just short, pulling off at the turnout above Quake Lake.  The dogs were quickly off into the trees while we fumbled with our cross country skis.  Life is much simpler when you have built in studs and four-wheel drive.

The first half of the ski was a clumsy and awkward affair.  Neither of us are particularly proficient on skinny skis, and the undulating terrain didn't make things any easier.  By the time we reached the half-way point we were about ready to chuck the silly things off the bluff.  But since that would mean post-holing our way back to the car, we had no choice but to stick it out.

Then something happened.  It started to snow.  And suddenly everything seemed a little easier.  We slid across the snow with white flakes whispering down, alighting on thick pine trees and hushing any noise besides our heaving breathing.  The dogs were in heaven - darting after rabbit tracks, bounding across snow banks, and driving squirrels up into the trees.  It's hard to have a bad day when faced with wagging tails and lolling tongues.

Back at the car we were all worn out.  The skis made it back to the shed in one piece (this time...), and the dogs were soon curled up in front of the wood stove in post-romp bliss.  As the sun dipped behind the Gravelly Mountains and spread pink fingers across the sky, we settled in for Christmas Eve.

Christmas has come and gone, and now here it is New Years Eve.  It's amazing how quickly it comes around every time.  2014 saw us spend an entire year in Montana, introduced us to our newest mutt Mojo, got us through another action-packed summer season, and now leaves us poised on many new adventures.  Here's wishing everyone a joyous and exciting new year!
Happy New Year!

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